Few current topics relating to driving spark more heated debate than whether OAPs should be re-tested when they reach a certain again to see if they retain the skills needed to drive safely on the road.
A story in the Telegraph highlighted the following:
Pensioners should be allowed to continue driving until they are 75 before having to renew their licences because people are healthier and living longer, an official review is expected to find.
The Older Drivers Task Force, which reports in July, will recommend that ministers should relax the current mandatory renewal age of 70 for the first time in nearly half a century.
The report will say that the age limit has failed to keep pace with improvements in life expectancy and the fact that older drivers are generally safer than those who are younger.
Refresher Courses Available
Regardless of whether you believe certain people should automatically be re-tested, the truth is that many people could use a ‘refresher’ lesson or 2 every now and again to ensure that their driving skills remain up to scratch.
If you feel nervous when driving or believe that your skills could doing with being brushed up a little, our refresher driving lessons are designed to help you drive with confidence and put your mind at ease when you are behind the wheel. Whether you’ve had a bad experience whilst driving, or maybe haven’t driven a car for a long time, our refresher driving lessons will have you driving safely with confidence again.
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If you have any questions about any of our lessons or services, please give us a call on Tel. No. 0845 190 2012 and we’ll be happy to help any way that we can.